Spare Tire Sections

Spare Tire Wheel Well, Top Quality, year thru 7/55
These days, the restoration market is flooded with inferior ill-fitting products.
This spare tire wheel well feature original pattern stampings, and factory specification gauge steel.
You cannot compare this part with the cheap reproduction on the market.

Spare Tire Wheel Well, Top Quality, year 8/55-7/60
These days, the restoration market is flooded with inferior ill-fitting products.
This spare tire wheel well feature original pattern stampings, and factory specification gauge steel.
Cover Plate for Spare Tire Wheel Well, outside, 1302/1303 only
Made in Germany!
Only for 1302/1303; material thickness 1 mm.
Mounting kit for spare wheel cover (not 1302/1303)
This mounting kit for the Beetle's spare wheel well is suitable for all years of construction (not 1302/1303) and offers the possibility of mounting all three cover variants in the spare wheel well.